MFL (Spanish)





Curriculum Intent Statement

The Spanish curriculum at Pegasus encourages pupils to develop their empathy, deepen their understanding of the world, explore new cultures and acquire the Spanish language in a fun, safe and lively environment.

Through songs, games, stories and culture, we ensure our Spanish lessons are both compelling and comprehensible.  Our curriculum is designed to support the children on their journey towards secondary school by developing the four skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking in Spanish.

With the help of our class puppets, children build their confidence; finding their Spanish voice, expanding their circle by exchanging letters and videos with our Spanish link school, expressing their ideas and developing a deeper understanding of others.   

Key Value


Enquiry Q


I develop respect for myself and others of all cultures and backgrounds. I learn about the similarities and differences between my own and others’ experiences and recognise that everyone is unique. I demonstrate this by communicating with others in their own language.

How does my environment shape who I am?

How do others see me?


I understand that learning a new language can be difficult and requires resilience. I recognise that hard work and determination can lead to an understanding of the wider world and connect me with a larger community.  

What do I notice around me? 



I will explore culture, music, art, games and stories to acquire Spanish. I will use my language skills to I express my own ideas and share these with Spanish speakers. I will take time to create beautiful work through practise and redrafting.

How do I show the world who I am? 


I will expand my circle by using my Spanish voice to make new friends. I will show curiosity by asking questions in Spanish.  I will engage in Spanish conversations and begin to tell stories. I will always say when I don’t understand.

How can I use my Spanish voice to tell my story?

How can I use my Spanish voice to expand my circle?


I am curious about different cultures, traditions and languages. I am interested in others and keen to make new friends and connections. I approach my Spanish lessons with a growth mindset.

How do others help us learn?



I see myself as a linguist and search for opportunities to explore Spanish outside of class. I take every opportunity to connect with Spanish speakers and have real conversations. I use learning languages to discover my role in the world.

What will be my contribution to the world of the future?



MFL Progression of Skills

KS2 NC Programme of Study Objectives. Pupils should be taught to:

By end of Level 1



By end of Level 2


By end of Level 3


By end of Level 4


Listen attentively and show understanding by joining in and responding; appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language

3.1 Can understand and respond to a few familiar spoken words and short phrases, spoken slowly and clearly

4.1 Can understand and respond to a range of familiar spoken words and short phrases.



5.1 Can understand the main points of a short spoken passage made up of a few familiar words and phrases, delivered slowly and clearly.

6.1 Can understand a short spoken passage made up of familiar words and basic phrases concerning self, people, places or simple actions when people speak slowly and clearly.

3.2 Can follow and repeat key words from a song, rhyme or poem.

4.2 Can join in the re-telling / playing of a familiar story, song, rhyme or poem using gestures or by saying key words and phrases.

5.2 Can join in with familiar short songs, rhymes or poems, or parts of them.

6.2 Can produce from memory familiar short sections of known stories, songs, rhymes and poems when listening to the source material.

Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words

3.3 Can recall key phonics words (and gestures), and say them aloud with good pronunciation.

4.3 Can recognise key sounds and words that rhyme.

5.3 Can write high-frequency familiar words from his/her oral vocabulary when she/he hears them spoken slowly and clearly.

6.3 Can write individual words accurately, building them from written syllables.


3.4 Can read key words (and gestures), and read them aloud with good pronunciation.

4.4 Can match key sounds and words that rhyme.

5.4 Can use understandable spelling for high-frequency familiar words from his/her oral vocabulary when she/he hears them spoken slowly and clearly.

6.4 Can write individual words from his/her oral vocabulary, with understandable spelling, when delivery is slow, clear and repeated.


Engage in conversations, ask and answer questions,

express opinions and respond to those of others

3.5 Can ask and answer simple pre-learned questions from memory.

4.5 Can rehearse and perform short role plays drawing on one topic, with several exchanges and secure pronunciation.


5.5 Can ask and answer simple questions on the current topic.

6.5 Can ask simple questions on a few very familiar topics, including expressing opinions and responding to those of others.

3.6 Are beginning to understand the formation of questions and answers involving familiar vocabulary

4.6 Are beginning to understand how to form questions/answers independently.


5.6 Can adapt models successfully to give own information, including simple questions, substituting individual words.

6.6 Can answer simple questions on a few very familiar topics, including expressing opinions and responding to those of others.

Seek clarification and help

3.7 Can indicate that there is a problem using a pre-learned phrase.

4.7 Can use simple pre-learned words and phrases for routine situations.


5.7 Can use several short phrases and questions in predictable classroom interactions.

6.7 Can use a repertoire of classroom language with teacher and peers.

Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures

Present ideas and information orally

3.8 Can repeat and say familiar words and short simple phrases, using understandable pronunciation.

4.8 Can produce short pre-prepared phrases on a familiar topic, with secure pronunciation.

5.8 Can produce some short phrases within a familiar topic, with good pronunciation.

6.8 Can use simple phrases and sentences independently to describe people, places, things and actions, with good pronunciation.


Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.

3.9 Can read aloud some very familiar words and short phrases with accurate pronunciation.

3.9 Can read aloud some very familiar words and short phrases with accurate pronunciation.

4.9 Can match sound to print, by reading aloud familiar words and phrases.

5.9 Can read short phrases accurately that contain mostly familiar language.

Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing

3.10 Can understand some familiar written words and short phrases.

3.10 Can understand some familiar written words and short phrases.

4.10 Can read and understand a range of familiar written phrases.

5.10 Can understand familiar words and simple sentences

Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material.

3.11 Can use the visual cues and context to follow the gist of a short text.


3.11 Can use the visual cues and context to follow the gist of a short text.


4.11 Can identify the overall type of text from its layout, contextual cues and a few familiar words.


5.11 Can spot new words introduced into short sentences made up of familiar material and use the surrounding words to guess their meaning.

Use a dictionary

3.12 Can use a word list to locate specific words.

3.12 Can use a word list to locate specific words.

4.12 Can use a word list to check the spelling of a word.

5.12 Can use alphabetical order confidently.

Write words and phrases from memory

3.13 Can use classroom prompts (such as display) as an aid to spelling.

3.13 Can use classroom prompts (such as display) as an aid to spelling.


4.13 Can use a dictionary or online resource to check the spelling of a word.


5.13 Can recognise and use the main dictionary codes for nouns.

Can appreciate that there may be more than one entry for each word.

Adapt phrases to create new sentences to express ideas clearly, describing people, places, things and actions orally and in writing

3.14 Can write some single words from memory, with plausible spelling.

3.14 Can write some single words from memory, with plausible spelling.

4.14 Can write simple words and several short phrases from memory with understandable spelling.


5.14 Can write words, phrases and short simple sentences from his/her repertoire from memory with understandable spelling.

Understand basic grammar,  including gender of nouns, definite and indefinite articles, singular and plural forms of nouns,

adjectives (place and agreement),

conjugation of key verbs (and making verbs negative),

connectives and qualifiers, adverbs of time, prepositions of place; how to apply these to build sentences and to explore how they differ or are similar to English.

3.15 Can, with support, substitute one element in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning. e.g. the colour adjective.

3.15 Can, with support, substitute one or two elements in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning. e.g. the colour adjective or the noun.

4.15 Can substitute one or two elements in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning. e.g the colour adjective or the noun.

5.15 Can change a range of single elements in sentences to create new sentences. (e.g. change the noun or adjective or verb or qualifier)

3.16 Can use indefinite articles in the singular with masculine and feminine nouns.


3.16 Can use indefinite articles in the singular with masculine and feminine nouns.


4.16 Can use indefinite articles in singular and plural and definite articles in both singular and plural.

5.16 Can use the definite article with verbs of like / dislike.

3.17 Can form regular plural nouns.

3.17 Can form regular plural nouns.

4.17 Can recognise qualifiers, adverbs of time and prepositions of place.

5.17 Can understand and use devices to make verb forms negative.

3.18 Can identify adjective and noun position.

3.18 Can identify adjective and noun position.







4.18 Can use adjectives (agreement and position) with more confidence.


5.18 Are showing some consistency in the application of grammatical rules, understanding how sentence forms differ or are similar to English.

3.19 Can use some singular masculine and plural adjectives correctly.

 3.19 Can use some singular masculine and plural adjectives correctly.



4.19 Can use ‘tiene’ (3rd person tener) and ‘está’ (3rd person estar).


5.19 Can use 1st, 2nd 3rd persons of several regular verbs in the present tense (with the support of a frame).

3.20 Can use the high-frequency verb forms ‘I have, it is, they are’,  and regular –ar verbs in 1st person singular form, confidently.

3.20 Can use the high-frequency verb forms ‘I have, it is, they are’,  and regular –ar verbs in 1st person singular form, confidently.

4.20 Can use the connectives ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘also’.

5.20 Can create complex sentences (with the support of a frame)


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