Pegasus Primary Curriclum Introduction
We are really excited to share with you the Pegasus Primary School Curriculum, which has been developed to be engaging, relevant and challenging.
We want our pupils to have mastery over the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics as well as have opportunities to enrich and deepen their learning through lessons that are personalised to meet the individual needs of all pupils.
The curriculum at Pegasus Primary aims to prepare children in understanding the world around them and prepare them for the next stage of their education. We want our pupils to be both interesting and interested. The design of our wider curriculum is based on the research findings of cognitive science. By the time learners have left Pegasus Primary, they will have mastered a range of both procedural knowledge (skills) and factual knowledge through repeated low stakes quizzing; oppotunities to deliberately practise and careful planning for progression and depth. Our currciculum is customised to meet the local needs of our learners.
Threaded throughout our curriculum and embedded in every aspect of school life are our school values of Respect, Confidence, Creativity, Determination, Ambition and Enthusiasm; 'The best in everyone' and the Pegasus Motto, Individually we achieve, together we excell.
Our curriculum is based on the following key principles:
Entitlement: All our pupils have the right to learn what is in the Pegasus Primary Curriculum.
Coherence: Taking the National Curriculum as its starting point, our curriculum is carefully sequenced so that powerful knowledge builds term by term and year by year. We make meaningful connections within subjects and between subjects.
Mastery: We ensure that foundational knowledge, skills, and concepts are secure before moving on. Pupil's revisit prior learning and apply their understanding in new contexts.
Representation: All pupils are able to see themselves reflected positively in our curriculum; we want our curriculum to open up new worlds – to expose children to beliefs, people, places and values that they would not otherwise encounter.
Education with Character: Our Education with Character curriculum teaches our young people about creativity and resilience as well as providing them with opportunities to learn about teamwork, to care and to serve, to overcome difficulties and to manage themselves and their feelings. Pegasus children are taught to have confidence and articulacy so that they can stand up for themselves and for what is right. These personal qualities and skills are the opportunities we provide beyond the classroom; in sport, music, performance, clubs, our enrichment programme, in chances to lead and take responsibility and in opportunities to volunteer and to serve.
Our curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum; it comprises of all learning experiences including enrichment activities, which are planned to meet the needs and interest of our pupils, providing education with character that helps them to find the best in themselves.
The Pegasus curriculum is based on individual subject learning and has been carefully designed to ensure that vertical concepts allow children to link knowledge from one lesson to the next whilst also integrating knowledge across subjects.
The Rosenshine Principles of Instruction flow through the curriculum. Regular recall, a hallmark of Rosenshine, is built into the timetable of activities and the structure of lessons so that knowledge is built progressively and coherently and takes account of pupils’ ability to retain information effectively.
For each curriculum subject, teachers plan a range of the following:
- A pre learning quiz which takes place the week before the new learning is delivered which identifies gaps in prior knowledge that is needed to fully access the current learning.
- Gap teaching following the outcomes of the pre learning quiz.
- Pre teaching key vocabulary and concepts for SEND pupils.
- A knowledge organiser outlining the substantive and disciplinary knowledge, including vocabulary and the correct definition, that all children must master.
- A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth.
- A low stakes quiz which is tested regularly to support learners’ ability to block learning and increase space in the working memory.
- Educational visits, visiting experts and artifacts that will enhance the learning experience.
- Classroom working walls which detail; current, prior and future learning, the substantive and disciplinary knowledge children will learn, key vocabulary with definitions, and the vertical concept the area of learning falls within.
The impact of our curriculum is that children are interested in learning, are always asking questions and are resilient enough not to give up in the face of adversity. They seek challenge, question the world around them, and understand the role they play in shaping the future of their local community and the world in which they live. We track progress and standards across the curriculum, and we listen to feedback from pupils and parents alike. By the end of Year 6, all children, including those with SEND, will be able to know and remember more. They will have developed the skill to articulate their ideas and hold meaningful conversations about their learning.