




School Vision

Our Vision as a school is to embrace our mission statement to ensure 'all our pupils acquire the knowledge and skills essential to achieve their full potential and become active compassionate citizens of the future'.

Our Maths Vision

Our children will:

  • be curious about and enthusiastically enjoy maths, both in and out of the classroom
  • be resilient mathematicians who know that mistakes and misconceptions help them to learn
  • have positive attitudes to maths, which helps them to develop confidence and self-belief
  • believe they can achieve in mathematics
  • use the maths knowledge they learn in school in their everyday lives both now and in the future

Our Intent

Is that our children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
  • Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.
  • Have an appreciation of number and number operations, which enables mental calculations and written procedures to be performed efficiently, fluently and accurately to be successful in mathematics.


To enable our maths vision and intent to be realised:

  • We use White Rose Maths as a framework to deliver the national maths curriculum, to ensure that the progression of lessons are built upon the prior knowledge of the children. This is done by using well considered small steps of learning supported by concrete and pictorial representations as well a carefully thought out variations between different representations. This will build the confidence and the independence of all children in school and give them the power to take control over their learning.   
  • All children sit in mixed ability groups as this allows for vital discussion of questions, sharing of ideas and develops the accurate use of maths vocabulary. Maths talk is an essential part of every lesson as it allows for misconceptions to be raised, but also to grow children’s confidence and reduce anxiety when faced with an unfamiliar question.
  • Our curriculum is also shaped by our participation in the BBO Maths Hub to share best practice as a teacher research group.

A range of formative and summative assessment will be used to measure the impact of teaching and learning and inform future teaching and learning, interventions, targeted support etc.:

  • Adults will continuously assess the impact of teaching and learning through ‘live marking’ and a range of AFL, AoL and other formative assessment techniques during lessons
  • Low stakes End of Block checks will be completed by children in Y1 - 6 on yellow paper
  • Three times a year the children’s understanding is formally assessed through PUMA assessments in Y1 – 6
  • Three times a year the children will carry out an online Star Maths Assessment
  • The children also participate in all relevant National assessments


Through the teaching of maths, we strive to ensure that by the end of their primary education, all pupils can

  • demonstrate a secure knowledge of number, calculate fluently and with good understanding
  • articulate patterns and relationships as well as logically deconstructing problems in order to solve them.

We aim for pupils to see the purpose and significance of all areas of maths so that they can analyse new information and apply their maths skills to their own lives on a daily basis. Furthermore, mathematics is of central importance to modern society. It is key to jobs in our digital economy and critical to science, technology, finance and engineering. Mathematics is necessary for any employment or independent life. Therefore, we encourage children to recognise this.

If you require support in understanding any of the mathematics please do make contact with the Maths Lead:

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